About us
…a quiet place full of peace and harmony. The pleasant place where you can leave your everyday troubles behind. If searching for such a place, you are warmly welcomed to visit our Jasná cottages. Be delighted with sweet bird melodies while sipping your morning coffee. Find pleasure in miracles of nature. You can even admire its perfection in hard work of those little ones – ants or spiders.
What´s a better way to shelter from the rain or snow than under the roof of our cosy cottages? Shh… Can you hear that? Children are laughing. They are tickled with joy as swinging, sliding, playing ball games or building sand castles. Look at them having fun exploring the secrets of nature gripping a dry twig with their little hands. There is no classroom like nature. Imagine children squatting and collecting pine cones, fragrant flowers or small fallen branches for a night fire. How excited they are about grilling sausages over flames of bonfire on a wooden branch…
Slow down for a moment. Time is not important here. Let the Sun be your guide. Enjoy the healing power of nature and lose yourself in the beauty of impressive surroundings. There is something soul-soothing about being in here.
As the Jasná Cottages are open all year round, you can find great adventures here whatever season you prefer.
Výborne ubytovanie, krásna príroda stvorená na turistiku aj s deťmi. Super trampolína. Boli sme tu 1x, ale určite sa tu ešte vrátime.
From Chaty Jasná
Krásne prostredie, čisté a útulné ubytovanie. Boli sme veľmi spokojní.
From Chaty Jasná
Každý rok je u Vás vynikajúco. A to sme boli u Vás už 4x. Krásne prostredie, veľmi milí domáci a vždy ochotný pomôcť v čomkoľvek. Je tam pohoda, kľud a pokoj. Obrovská výhoda: deti majú neskutočnú voľnosť a priestranstvo na hranie. Zatiaľ najlepšie ubytovanie v Demänovskej doline.
From Chaty Jasná